Why should you hire the Best Wedding Photographer in Kolkata


If you want to make your Bengali wedding memorable then you should be hiring the best wedding photographer in Kolkata who has years of experience in locking the best wedding moments, best couple moments, and candid pictures.

Gaye Holud

Best Wedding Photographer in Kolkata
Gaye Holud brings in a lot of excitement among the younger girls from the bride’s side. In this tradition, the Groom’s family minus the groom turns up with precious gifts like pieces of jewelry, clothes, make-up accessories for the bride. Another interesting custom is a fish decorated like a bride is also gifted by the groom’s family. Gaye holud is famously termed as the “Haldi” ceremony in the rest of the parts of North India. All the girls choose a particular dress theme to go about this ceremony. The best wedding photographer in Kolkata offers to photoshoot the bride with her bride’s maids in various crazy poses, cute pouts, victory gestures, ramp walks, etc

Bengali Bride

bridal photography in kolkata
Bengali weddings are all about the beautiful Bong brides decked up in all their fineries, bright red bindi, adorned with precious pieces of jewellery. Brides showcasing their Pola and shanka bangles around their left hands. Their hands are colored in red bright Alta. Brides are the center of attraction on the day of their wedding. Everybody’s eyes turn in their direction to see how they have decorated themselves. Any Professional photographer in Kolkata wouldn’t miss capturing the dainty bride and her gait as she makes her regal entry towards the wedding altar.

Bengali wedding feast

bengali wedding food
The entire country knows how much Bengalis love their food. Kolkata has the best chaat street in the entire world offering verities of puchkas. Bengali weddings are described by the variety in the menu they have got to offer their guests. A lavish feast consisting of mouth-watering fish cutlets, Koraishutir Kochuri, Reshmi Kabab, Aloor Dom, Chilli Phulkopi, etc and never to forget the juicy Rosogollas and hot gulab jamuns that Kolkata is famous for.

Bor Jatri

bengali borjatri
There is more to a Bengali wedding than just these. Their wedding ceremony is more or less the same as the rest of the part of the country. Their traditions and customs have Bengali names which you would get to hear quite often through a Bengali friend of yours. You must have sensed the excitement of a Bengali wedding through a Bengali friend and them explaining every ritual in detail to you. In Kolkata Bengali weddings are of a great deal, something to remember about, an event to discuss for weeks together. When we close our eyes and imagine a grand Bengali wedding, what do we see? The first sight is of Bor Jatri. The groom and his family dress up in their fineries and turn up at the bride’s place for the wedding. Who wouldn’t want to capture the eager and excited groom’s expressions at that moment? Only a professional photographer in Kolkata can capture the nervous expression of the bride’s mother during the Bor Boron. The best wedding photographer in Kolkata has a keen eye for capturing the mother’s shaky hands during the Aarthi ceremony as she welcomes her would-be son-in-law into the venue. If you want every precious moment of the Bengali wedding to be captured aptly then it is highly recommended to hire the best wedding photographer in Kolkata who has an eye for minute details.

Best wedding photographer in Kolkata

Best wedding photographer in Kolkata
Wedding photography is all about memories that could be cherished after a decade when the family gets together to watch the wedding videos. Kids would be more eager to watch their parents getting married. Some older family members may cease to exist but their memories would be captured in the photographs for future generations to see. A typical Bengali Wedding photographer in Kolkata would ensure that it remains in your memories forever and ever.

Biye, The Wedding

Best wedding photographer in Kolkata
If you have watched any Bengali weddings in any of the daily soaps, it’s focused on Saath paak where the bride is seated on a stool, carried by her uncles and brothers, and revolved 7 times around her would-be husband. A professional photographer in Kolkata wouldn’t miss capturing the bride’s pursed lips, her eagerness to have a glance at her groom. The thrill of Subho Drishti when the bride first views her husband to be in the presence of the crowd is a must to be captured in typical Bengali wedding photography.

Capturing unsaid emotions

Best wedding photographer in Kolkata
The best wedding photographer in Kolkata includes those wedding moments in his frame which would otherwise be ignored in a state of hurry and confusion. Bride’s father’s gentle grip around his daughter’s shoulders when she tries to walk around in a heavy silk saree would have gone unnoticed. The father’s concerned expressions for his precious daughter, instances of the bride’s sister dabbing the bride’s face with a tissue, cousins, and friends throwing naughty expressions at the couple are all best captured by the wedding photographer who understands how important these exchange of expressions to the family would be. Wedding photography is not only about capturing important rituals but these memorable moments too.

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